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[SEMINAR] 2017/05/30 (TUE), Philippe LAMY
관리자 921
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-------------------- 아 래 --------------------
● 날짜 : 2017년 05월 30일 (화요일)
● 시간 : 14시 00분
● 장소 : 천문대 영상실
● 강사 : Philippe LAMY (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille)
Title : Coronal Mass Ejection over Solar Cycles 23 and 24: a statistical view
Abstract :
It is now well established that coronal mass ejections (CMEs) play a major role in the heliosphere, starting from the corona to interplanetary space and interacting with planets, possibly impacting their climate. The almost uninterrupted observations by the LASCO coronagraph onboard SOHO since January 1996 have allowed an unprecended view of CMEs over almost two solar cycles 23 and 24. The ARTEMIS-II catalog based on their automatic detection on high-quality calibrated synoptic maps of the corona offers an unbiased dataset free of selection effects. It is thus possible to perform an unbiased statistical analysis of their properties and investigate how they evolve with solar activity. We will present the results for occurence and mass rates, position angle, angular width, kinetic energy, and mass flux first globally and then separately for the two solar cycles 23 and 24 emphasizing the differences. We further compare the statistical properties of CMEs with those of the standard indices of solar activity such as the international sunspot number (SSN), the sunspot area (SSA) and the radio flux at 10.7 cm (F10.7) as well as those of their potential progenitors, flares and eruptive prominences.